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  After Covid, there are store fronts available on Andover Village Square !

  Andover recommends subscriptions to any of these great news sources 

 Andover Bulletin Board


 Click !  

      "Your current Village Council and Mayor are working hard to improve Andover Village" Check out the "What's New Tab" to see what's happening in our area.

 Sometimes Stories are loaded in the middle of the page

 Take Notice:  Little Andover Village has many positive Stories !

 "What a great place to live or visit"

  Many visitors to Andover are eager to see a craft beer pub in the village.  Possibly in the old Covered Bridge Restaurant with family dining.

 Lillian Brooke


  DYNEGY,currantly is not affiliated with the village of Andover. Our current aggregation partnership is with Energy Harbor, which will last until the end of May 2025. The village will be negotiating a new electric contract and will keep residents updated on any developments before the end of May here on this site. Thank you for your attention!

 If you received this letter in your mail 

 Andover's Current Contract 

    With CCAN ambulance service possibly leaving Andover Village people are asking questions about joining a ambulance district or creating a district so once and for all we will be protected from emergencies knowing we have protection close for our communities .





  Attention residents of the Village of Andover: We are sending out surveys to all customers who receive village drinking water. These surveys will inform you about the dangers of back flow water cross connections in your home or business that could lead to contamination of your drinking water. Please fill out and return these surveys to Andover Village so we can provide you with options to help protect your drinking water. Thank you for your cooperation!

  Please send your surveys to: 

  Andover Village Water Dept.             134 Maple St.  P.O. Box 1267           Andover,Ohio 44003

 You may also drop your surveys off in the office at the Village Hall.


 This trail is from OHIO STATE park to main beach 

  Evening Dining in Andover is needed !


 Pics of PV Greenway Trail, soon to be open !

 Culpeper High School, Virginia, Michael Orahood.

   Michael, son of PV  standout Chris Orahood

Biking Trip_edited.jpg

   The new Pymatuning Valley Greenway Trail is currently under construction. We appreciate your patience as we know you're excited!

 Beautiful Ashtabula County !

  "Andover, Ohio"

 Pymatuning Valley Greenway Trail !


 Could this possibly happen in Andover ?

 Miracle in the making ? 

 Local Kids can't wait for the opening of PV Greenway Trail! 

   Many people that visit Andover think brewery and evening restaurant  is needed in the Village for Tourist and Bike trail influx in the summer !

 The Dream of Jim and Jean Dutton needs help restoring Andover's House !  

    This Andover boyhood home of the late Jim Dutton was saved and moved to Jefferson Depot Village in Jefferson,Ohio. Jean Dutton is inviting volunteers to help with the restoration of this Historical beautiful home. If you are interested in helping restore this 1800's house call: 440-344-0167

 Dutton House site pictured in Andover 

 Future home of Andover Dutton House !~. 

  Andover Village & Andover Area Rotary Club buy AED's for local organizations !   

        PAYO - Little Lakers - Andover Public Library      

     The children that could benefit from A.E.D.'s - Andover Village, Andover Township, Williamsfield Township, Cherry Valley Township, Richmond Township, New Lyme Township & Pierpont Township. 

 L. to R.- Tim Campbell - Little Lakers Football; Lindsey Dzura - PAYO & Little Lakers Safety Officer with Vice President of Village Council, Randy Gentry and George Graham, President of Laker Ruritans.

 Vice President of Andover Village Council, Randy Gentry presenting a A.E.D. to Maria Firkaly of the Andover Public Library.

    Ashtabula County Metroparks behind the scenes on the new                                        PYMATUNING VALLEY GREENWAY TRAIL.

   Andover, Ohio


  Blue Heron Rookery on Pymatuning Greenway

   Walking on the future Pymatuning Valley Greenway Trail, Dianne Orahood, Brett Bellas & family, Lara & Dale Reibold, and Antoinette Swegheimer.  Brett & Antoinette are from the Ashtabula County Metroparks. All were amazed at the beauty of the the trail which included deer, rabbits, grouse, and a blue heron rookery near Andover. Taking picture is Rick Orahood saying hello to all his family members near Marysville Ohio.

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